A review by hannxm
Aunts Aren't Gentlemen by P.G. Wodehouse


4.5 ⭐

This book was surprisingly enjoyable, despite the premise seemingly being fairly bland.

It was my first P.G Wodehouse book and I'm definitely intrigued by his other books after reading this one. His writing is very clever and witty, and I enjoyed Bertie as a character, who seems to get himself dragged in every which way by everyone and he kind of just accepts it and deals with it, which is quite comical in itself.

I loved how something seemingly irrelevant would happen, but shortly afterwards, it would crop up and cause an even bigger problem.

I enjoyed how the story flowed and fitted in together nicely. It's clear it had been cleverly planned out. It didn't spend any time on description, it just got straight to the story and dialogue and I appreciated that. It left the characters and the village entirely to my imagination.

My only gripe with the book is the shortening of words to just their first letters, seemingly at random. This ruined the flow of reading for me and there were times I had no idea what the shortened word was referring to. I'm not sure if this is just Wodehouses' usual writing style or if it's simply part of the main character, but I found it pointless and irritating.

Otherwise, it's a great quick read and as others have said, you don't need to have read the other books to enjoy this one. I'm glad I picked up this book!