A review by jegka
An Affair to Remember by Karen Hawkins


The storyline was (predictable but) ok. I guess I read this to take a break from mysteries. It was pleasant enough but the characters were rather thin. Their whole development was in their reputations. They were what they were because she said so. Mischievious, domineering, irresponsible...but little example was given to support the acusations. The children did some naughty things, but they went from "devil spawn" to angels with little for the reader to go on except being told they were better. I would have liked to have been given more evidence to come to that conclusion for myself. It is supposedly the first of the series (even if it is a sequel to Seducing Sara...see, more you just have to take her word on) so maybe the rest of the series is better developed. I felt a bit like I was reading the author's notes instead of the finished novel. ("Tricia becomes more agreeable...children become more cooperative...Ruppert becomes redeemable...)