A review by dsullivan
MARVEL's Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos: Titan Consumed by Barry Lyga


This book was entertaining, but not great. Ebony Maw and the rest of the Children of Thanos are mentioned on one page as joining Thanos, but their characters aren't developed at all and they are never mentioned again. I would have liked to know more about how they came to join him and learn more about them as individuals.
SpoilerAll of the interesting characters introduced in this book die.
There were ridiculous spans of time in the story. The worst was when Thanos spends a year eating and working out alone in a room on his spaceship because he's depressed.

I did enjoy the backstory to Thanos' relationship with the Chitauri and some insight into the Other.

Overall, I wasn't bored, but I wouldn't recommend it for MCU fans looking for more content.