A review by thepiqht
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce


Every once in a while, a book like this comes along. Multi-pov and only one of them is really worth your time. It might have been better if the other pov, the one that did nothing but make you dislike the book, was erased entirely.

Maybe it's just me, but Rosie just didn't do it for me. Neither did Silas for that matter. I just didn't buy that they were in love, like ??? All I can see, and that's keeping in mind that we can actually see into Rosie's head, is a teenage girl recognising a good body. She talks about how she gets 'shivers' when she see him, but there isn't really enough time spent together to really justify how they feel towards one an other.

They would die for each other? Cool, point me to the page where it's more than just a sweet crush. No? What about a page where they exchange more than 3 sentences that aren't about her sister or another page, maybe when they're apart and she's thinking about how sweet he is rather than just his body. No? Huh.

The twist was also a little cliche, although I loved how the myth of werewolves was twisted and made into something new. The way that they changed and went after people was such a refreshing take on a centuries old story. Although, it was more like a continuation of the fable that we all know and love, rather than a retelling.

So would I recommend this? I mean, I wouldn't tell you not to read it. The issues that I had with it might be overlooked by someone a little younger? If it sounds like your kind of thing, then I'd say go for it.