A review by ratetheromance
Why I Held Your Hand by Augusta Reilly


Well, THAT was not for me.

I'm never too into love triangle romances in general
because it always feels like someone's "cheating", even when it's more "emotional cheating". But, in this book you get the ACTUAL cheating. It was really weird reading descriptive, open door, sex scenes between the same woman and two different men.

It's a shame because this book had really engaging characters and good writing. But the cheating destroyed it for me.

Also important to note there is ZERO talk of condoms, birth control, or use of protection in this book despite there being multiple sex scenes with two different men and the leading lady.

I kept wishing that one of them men had never been in the story at all. This could have been a great book without the love triangle. I know some readers are into this trope, but it's just not for me. Lesson learned.

TRIGGERS: Fatal aneurysm, cheating

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.