A review by bebbiie
The Amber Fury by Natalie Haynes


I literally just read this book in one sitting I think it took about 2 hours.

I got this as a review copy from Waterstones and I wasn't really expecting much I don't even remember requesting it, so I went in with fairly low expectations....they were completely blow out of the water I freaking LOVED this book!!

I don't want to give anything away so I suggest you just read the synopsis on here, as I will likely say something wrong and give something away.

This book is almost flawless, the main character (Alex Morris) is somewhat pathetic, but when you view what she has experienced and so on I think you'll agree she has a right to be, her interest in Greek plays is fascinating. I have never studied them or had much interest but the way they are brought into this novel is brilliant and I may have to investigate some. The writing style is simple but so effective the plot and the characters don't need an embellished writing style.

I love how the novel is told from the part of Alex and one of her students, I like the insight into the other side of teaching and how Alex perceives herself and how one of her students does.

I have not felt this strongly about a book in a long time, I 100% would recommend reading.