A review by maddiementions
The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant


*Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review*

2.5 out of 5 stars
*sigh* I loved quite a few things about this book. The era, the similarities to Les Mis, the concept of the Guilds hidden away in secrecy. I loved the way it was written. But for some reason, I couldn't quite connect with this story. I didn't feel as connected to the characters, especially Nina, as much as I wanted to. I felt that it moved too quickly at times, and too slow in others. I wish there would have been true romance, instead of Nina kissing a few boys throughout the story. At the end of the book, it just sort of ended abruptly and I felt a bit unsatisfied. Yes, the mission was accomplished but it felt like it ended immediately after the climax. I wished there could have been more falling action and a resolution. Overall, I loved the concept of this book and thought it was well-written. I just wish I had felt more emotionally invested in it.