A review by subtle_sarcasm
The Skin Gods by Richard Montanari


Okay that's it, I'm 2/3s in and I just can't take it anymore. Montanari's writing is just BAD. I wasn't being catty when I said he writes like me at 16, he literally does! The over-descriptiveness, the weird awkward emo stuff that is meant to be deep... Actually, I think he's a lot WORSE than me at 16. The main female character has yet to have A SINGLE SCENE where she doesn't find some excuse to ponder how her life is basically over because she's now OVER 30 and thus practically dead. And just... I can't be bothered anymore. It's too bad to try. The story idea was cool, a killer filming his crimes in the style of cult movies, and it was kinda fun guessing which movie he was doing at any given crime, but the writing is just too terrible to go on.