A review by erickibler4
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi


A clear-eyed and instructive book.

Kendi’s logic and precision of language are impeccable. His capacity for self-criticism is both instructive and endearing. He has made substantial revisions to the earlier editions of this book in order to fine tune the precision of language.

Kendi’s definitions focus on racist policies and ideas rather than racist individuals. And he sets out his thesis that these policies and ideas don’t come from hatred and ignorance, but rather that hatred and ignorance follow the policies, which are promulgated due to self-interest by groups and individuals. That the self-interest really doesn’t apply to benefit all members of the group, but only to certain privileged members, a small percentage. The rest of the members of the supposedly benefitted group are actually harmed by racist policies.

Race is a construct, or a “mirage”. It has no biological basis in science. There is no “Black gene”, “White gene”, or “Asian gene”. But since racism is based on this “mirage”, we must act as though it is real so long as racist ideas are prevalent and powerful.

Kendi has been demonized in a lot of sectors, but rather than being fed a few of his sentences out of context and joining the haters, read his books and find out for yourself what he’s actually saying. I hope that you do, and that you come to agree with him.

An important book for our time.