A review by bookbelle5_17
A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections by James Edward Austen-Leigh

I attempted to read the one found in Penguin Classic's edition of Persuasion and maybe it's not helping that I have Booktube videos on in the background, but I'm feeling interest in this memoir. It's too bad because I could have included it for Non-fiction November, but alas it's not working for me. The introduction does warn that a lot personal things were left out to protect this beloved author's image, but I wonder what Jane herself would think. What I have read so far is a history lesson on her family and paints Ms. Austen as "Dear Aunt Jane", and after reading Julie Andrew's second memoir this is disappointing. Maybe it's also the time period it was written. Anyway, this is a DNF, but I might possibly read in the future.