A review by booksong
Fade by Lisa McMann


Wow...what a spectacular sequel to "Wake." You can never tell with "bridge" novels; sometimes they revolve too much around set-up for a finale. But this book was a chilling, gripping story in its own right, and I read it almost straight through because I just couldn't stop. The short, clipped prose helps, but it astounds me how McMann can write so simply in style and yet convey so much.

That said, this was a far, far heavier book than "Wake." There are some serious things addressed here; date-rape, sexual predation, abuse, and it's between teachers and students. It's not intensely graphic, but it's made damn clear how utterly terrifying these situations are, and that had me trembling and holding my breath as Janie tackled the heart of these problems on her dream catching mission to trap her school's sexual predator. I think these things need to be addressed too, because they're real and they actually happen; I've never supported any kind of literary censorship. We need to face these things, however much they disgust and frighten us, and I can't think of any better way to do it than alongside Janie and Cabel. And McMann did it well. Janie also learns some pretty intense things about her future as a dream catcher, just to add a few heartbreaking twists to the story.

I also adored Janie and Cabel's relationship progress in this book. I wouldn't call it "sweet," it's too powerful and complex for that. It's pretty breathtaking though; just the right amount of doubt, desire, banter, sensuality, and growth. They're great, realistically written characters, both of them, the kind I want to meet in real life. And of course Captain is also a fantastic character you get to know better here...man, who wouldn't want to have her for a boss?

I'm glad I don't have to wait too long for Gone...but I'm sure it will feel like ages.