A review by ubalstecha
Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel


Starclimber is the third installment of Kenneth Oppel's steampunk saga that started with Airborne. This installment sees Matt and Kate heading to the stars. The Canadian Space Agency wants to be the first in space. Their plan is a ship that rolls up a counterweighted cable to the stars. But can they go higher than anyone else has ever gone and comeback safely? What about the Bablelites who don't think humans should be in the relm of God and are sabotaging all of the various efforts?

This book is an an exciting read, full of action, romance and imaginative world building. Oppel has again proven that he is a master of young adult fiction and the science fiction genre. And while this wraps up the story of Matt and Kate quite nicely, I can't help but wish for another installment, but I don't see an obvious way to contniue without weakening the overall series.