A review by charlottenw1
Foxy Tales by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham


I am obsessed with these POV scenes! I mean the waterfall scene in Darius's POV????

Jeez, louise!

The twisted sisters did not disappoint at all and these little snippets were perfect in every single way to help with my Solaria craving. If you thought the scenes were spicey in the actual books then you need to read them in Darius and Lance's POV because they ramp it up a notch or five.

These scenes aren't just copied and pasted in a male POV they actually add more to the story and what actually went off when the twins weren't around. So now I'll just twiddle my thumbs until I can do a whole reread of the series in time for book 8 in December.

There's also the extended epilogue for KOQ which I needed just in time for the finale of the spin-off series with the Harlequinn Crew and I can't get enough of the worlds that these ladies create.