A review by lowrikate
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig


This is a good book. The world building, the magic system, the plot itself.

My issues lies with the characters, there was very little to keep my interest peeked in them, for example the FMC had moments where she was great, but for the most part, you see very little in to her as person, like I just didn’t get a connection with her at all, this goes for all the other characters as well. She gives us the most bit of personality when she’s being sarcy with the Nightmare or just how she interacts with Elm, outside of that there’s nothing.

The plot its self is superb, the story (blatantly setting the groundworks for the second book) is interesting and even though at times quite predictable is something new and exciting.

I hope in the second one, we get to see more in depth of the other characters, such as Ione and Elm, even just more of a friendship between Elspeth and Jespyr. The romance is cute, but I’m glad it’s a second story to the plot, it’s nice to read a book where you could take that out and plot would still be as good!