A review by sc104906
Punkzilla by Adam Rapp


Punkzilla is an AWOL military school student, who is just trying to get by in Portland, Oregon. Punkzilla had some discipline problems in his old life and his parents decided to use military school to rectify them. Tired of unjust treatment, he runs away and lives with other runaway teens in Oregon. Using a massive alarm clock to “clock” people in the head, Punkzilla makes a living stealing phones and selling them for money. This troubled teen spends much of his time using drugs and prostitutes. The only adult connection he truly feels in his world is with his older brother, who is also ostracized from the family for being gay. When Punkzilla finds out that his brother is dying of cancer, he makes the trek across the country to Tennessee to see his brother.

This novel is told entirely through a collection of letters. While this is not a book I would recommend to a young teen, due to the strong sexual content, I found it interesting. Punkzilla is pretty quirky and prickly, but he does have an important story to tell.