A review by jassmine
Muse, Vol. 1: Celia by Denis-Pierre Filippi


Alright, this gets two stars, because the art was very pretty and the heroine was hot while almost realistic, but otherwise... what was this?! (I'm writing this review with the knowledge with the ending of the second volume and I'll just probably treat them as one...)
1. A lot of people seem to be upset about Coralina's various state of undress. Not me. I have a thing for historical clothing and while this wasn't exactly accurate (corsets on bare skin! ouch...) it was better than most, especially for erotica and what can I say, I quite enjoyed that.
2. Visually-wise this was mostly win. The art was pretty, and Coralina was beautiful, but the men... why?
3. In the whole story we don't get one pleasant male character. Or a good looking one. Why? The main "hero" is a child, which made me very uncomfortable, but we'll get to that later. Then we get one stalker and then the characters in dreams that just flat out try to rape our heroine, like... am I supposed to be turned on? I'm really sorry the author didn't consider making Eckhart (or what was his name...) a pleasant character and romantic interest to balance out the weirdness of the plot.
4. I keep mentioning how pretty Coralina is... well, that's because she's anything else - she isn't kind, she isn't particularly smart, but you know, she likes to go around half naked, so... I forgive her. (Not really...)
5. Fine, now to the plot. In the first volume Coralina has some strange dreams - one pirate dream, one cannibal dream and one fairy-tale like dream. All of them are very weird and none of them are particularly sexy. The cannibal dream has the biggest potential, alas it goes nowhere. And you know, I'm really into pirates, so the first one could work for me too, but it was way to gang-rapey (but once more, nothing really happens so... what was the point of all this). We know that something is going on here, but we don't really know what. And once you know, trust me it doesn't really makes things better.

To sum it up, this was all teasing and nothing was actually delivered. There is a lot of abusive sexual behavior and the whole time you have a feeling that a kid is somehow mixed in all of this so... The resolution the second volume offers in not really worth it. Some pictures are pretty sexy though - when you take them out of context...