A review by overhillunderhill
An Airship Named Desire by Katherine McIntyre


I have a lot of issues with An Airship Named Desire. First and foremost, I acknowledge that I would probably have rated this a little higher if I’d had lower expectations going in, but this is a book about Airship Pirates led by a woman, why wouldn’t my expectations be high.

My biggest issue here is that it was just poor writing. The characters were very two-dimensional. The language was cliché and repetitive. The plot was boring and predictable. The fight scenes were very clinical.

Also, this is a female lead character written by a female author and I still caught myself eye-rolling at the male-gaze of it all. This includes things like we’re set in an alternate future and yet our lead is in a corset and getting shit for wearing pants and not a skirt. She instantly considered an ex of her love interest a whore for being a little rude to her. It’s ridiculous.

I wish I liked it more. I really do.