A review by michalice
What Milo Saw by Virgina MacGregor


Days after finishing What Milo Saw I am still tying to process my thoughts about this book.  I went into What Milo Saw with no idea what retinitis pigmentosa was, but as the story began we are told what it is and how it affects Milo. Although I couldn't relate to Milo, I did feel sorry for him. Without my glasses my eyesight is just about manageable, but having to see the world through a tiny hole, not seeing tings clearly and struggling constantly is something I don't know how people cope with.

What Milo Saw was a book I found hard to really get into, and a lot of that was my own feelings and not really anything else. When I began reading I was very interested in seeing where this all led, but as the book progressed and things were getting weird I could see where it was going, so instead of my focus being on the book, it was on my feelings of anger, of sadness, and of disbelief. I have gone through what Milo goes through with his Nan, and imagining my Nan being in his Nan's place was far too easy for me. My focus and emotional connection was for his Nan, and not for Milo, which I think defeated the object of the book for me. I honestly can't remember much about what happens in the pages of the book.

Final Verdict
What Milo Saw was an interesting read, but for me it was overshadowed by my feelings.