A review by allingoodtime
Long, Tall Christmas by Janet Dailey


This book was put on my radar when I read an ARC of Just a Little Christmas and realized it was the 3rd in this series. Of course, I had to go back and read from the beginning. I love holiday romance books and hate not reading a series from the start. (A quick note for those that actually pay attention to the “date read” information: I did not have a lot of daylight reading time once I picked this book up. Since it is a paperback copy I actually had to put it aside for a few days. So no, it didn’t really take me almost a week to read this book. It’s actually a quick read.)

Shane Taggert is such a lovely, understated hero in this story. He has a slight swagger and a low level of cocky-ness, but he knows (or thinks?) his past puts a blemish on his reputation. He helps people because that’s who he is, not because it’s how he wants to be seen. He is a kind soul, even though when we first meet him it doesn’t seem that way.

Kylie and her kids, on the other hand, are something else. I know they’ve been through a terrible ordeal. I know life isn’t fair. But the way Kylie forgives some of the tantrums from her children in the beginning is annoying. Then she has the audacity to question if Shane is going to “influence” her son, Hunter, in a negative way. So judgmental! I actually came around to liking the kids far before Kylie wormed her way into my good graces.

Aunt Muriel and Henry are my favorite characters of all. So wise and calm in all that happens through the book. Which, by the way, takes place over the course of just a few days. Even when Kylie’s daughter, Amy, is being a brat and ungrateful, Muriel understand and has sage words to impart on the group.

Overall, this is a sweet (and somewhat bittersweet) story. The lengths Kylie goes to in order to provide her children a “perfect” Christmas are insane, but still thoughtful. If only she would realize they expect these things because she gave them such expectations. At least the kids seem to start understanding that even if she doesn’t.

My full review can be found at https://allingoodtimeblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/20/long-tall-christmas-book-review/