A review by crispycritter
Swift and Saddled by Lyla Sage


Man I feel like a grumpy asshole giving such a low rating. I remember Done & Dusted being sparsely written but still enjoyable, super sweet low stakes - like a warm hug. 

There were some nice moments here and Ada and Wes were sweeties - but the writing was a hot mess. Super repetitive, bland sentences. A slow middle that made it a bit of a slog to get through. I feel like we kinda lost Wes midway through and he had zero development? Also Chekov’s gun yo- Ada’s ex calls her out of the blue after two years of radio silence and she’s not interested and we never learn why he called?!?! Bad writing 101. Ada didn’t need that call to have her big revelation driving out of Meadowlark. 🤷‍♀️

It didn’t escape my notice that the indie romance I’m reading has significantly better writing quality. I think Done and Dusted was an indie that was picked up and later traditionally published? The writing in Sage’s sophomore book should have been better for a number of reasons. I’m not kidding - the s3x scene in the epilogue sounded like it was a joke s3x scene, like let’s see how bad we can write one for laughs. “Leave the cowboy hat on.” 🤮🚔

1 star for the book’s absolutely gorgeous cover.