A review by parryc
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker


This book was overall Fantastic, but I can only give it 4.5 starts due to the cheating I can never seem to get passed that even if it ends up being wrapped up in a neat little bow.
This book has a lot in it self discovery, Love, Freedom.

Perfect little Livie goes away to Princeton to continue on the path she believes she wants and would make her parents proud, a path she chose at the age of 9 but is that really what she is meant to do? While out her first night with Kacey and her new roommate. As the night goes on Livie discovers her weakness for JELLO shots and soon meets the hottie crew captain Ashton or JELLO thief. At first Ashton is a big mystery of confusion and sweet words but not so great actions. Ashton is very closed off and we soon see just how broken he is.

UGH then there is Connor now I didn't like him to much but maybe that was the intention so I didn't feel so bad about the cheating. ( I still did though) Connor was to perfect maybe all the "bad boy" book has ruined the sweet doting boyfriends for me but come on Senior in University and you're not even pushing for some hot and heavy make out sessions come on guy. That being said I still think he deserved better than being cheated on he was a great guy who was all to sweet and charming.

Many times this book pissed me off but then redeemed me with cute or funny moments and ya Ashton made me swoon, all in all it was a great read.