A review by strandedinbooks
Follow Me Back by A.L. Jackson


**2.5 to 3 STARS!

I have to say that this story intrigued me so much. It had this mystery to it that kept me holding on because I so badly wanted to know what it was Kale felt, what he was so afraid of, and also what Hope was hiding. The wanting-to-know kept me going and it didn't hurt that I was able to get my quick romance fix at the same time.

Also, my favorite of this story had to be little Evan. Oh! My heart squeezes for him! He's such a bright, and wise little boy whose disability made his biological dad shun him, and yet, Evan lights up an entire room. I loved seeing Evan interact with the characters in this book, individually and collectively. He kept this story going for me, as he is essentially the center of it, and brings such love to the story as well. And the things he says just gut me, because I swear, this kid is golden!

However, I found myself not being able to connect with our two main characters. I couldn't bring myself to believe in this connection they had as it just seemed very unrealistic to me. I felt that many of the conversations they had were repetitive and I just wanted more from them.
Their love was so quick, and the conflict near the end was quickly thrown in and then just as abrupt, that I had a hard time continuing on. Again, leaving its resolution borderline believable.

Overall, I stayed for the story and was fairly entertained, but characters make the story and I'm so sad I couldn't connect with them.