A review by vikingwolf
Final Destination #1: Dead Reckoning by Natasha Rhodes


Jess is on stage in a crappy club with her band when she has a detailed premonition of them all dying when the club collapses around them. Her on stage hysteria causes her to be ejected from the building with a few curious onlookers following her outside. As they stand there, the club does collapse and Jess is arrested by the police. Now the survivors face a new problem...Death doesn't like to be cheated.

Jess is not very nice. She dates a married man then steals his wallet to pay her rent, knowing he probably won't call the police on her for robbing him. She seems to think he deserves it for cheating on his wife , yet she's nothing more than a moral vacuum. She gets blamed for the disaster so proves them wrong...by assaulting a police officer and going on the run. She's an idiot. I found it tough to give an actual crap about her, compared to the normal kids in the film series. The cops are the usual dimwits who arrest her with no evidence and chase her all over town.

Also the author really isn't paying much attention to their own writing. One minute Charlie is looking up at her on stage with emerald eyes, two pages later Jess is gushing about his gorgeous blue eyes. OK, make your mind up then. Charlie is also a vain cokehead, the sorority girls are plastic bimbos and Eric the rich frat boy is obnoxious. Starting to think it would've been better to have them all die when the building collapsed.

Poor plot, characters you don't care about.