A review by filmingpages
Under Gemini by Rosamunde Pilcher


"Under Gemini" is a book about two identical twins, Flora and Rose, who were separated at birth. One day, they accidentaly meet and one thing leads to another and Flora finds herself "engaged" to Anthony and travelling all the way to Scotland to meet his family, posing as Rose.

Rosamunde Pilcher is one of my favourite authors, as she manages to deliver human and heartfelt stories, narrating them in a simple way that makes you feel warm inside. I love how she always talks about Cornwall and Scotland in her books, she has really made me wish I could visit those places! Anyway, with "Under Gemini" she introduces an array of intresting characters with interwining stories that easily transport you to the past. The book goes by in a breeze, you don't feel bored for even a second!

If I had to choose my favourite character, that would definitely be Hugh, the family doctor. I know that at first he comes off as distant and a bit snobbish, especially at Flora, but you can sense that he has good reason for avoiding her, as he believes she's Rose. Also, it's evident that something bad has happened in his past, that is also contibuting to his extreme seriousness. All I wanted was to comfort him somehow and I kept hoping that he would get his happy ending. My least favourite character, has to be Rose, since she was extremely superficial and selfish! I couldn't comprehend how she had the nerve to send Flora a postcard, in Anthony's family's house, knowing that she was forced to pretend she was her!

Plot wise, I am pretty much satisfied with how everything went. I was not expecting Rose to get any punishment for her actions, because the book didn't exactly focus much on her. I loved the fact that the obvious didn't happen and Flora and Anthony did not end up together! They didn't even had romantic chemistry and I was so glad that their romance was not forced to us! Whereas, Flora and Hugh are such an amazing couple, I was secretly rooting for them all along and I was extremely happy to find out that they eventually admitted their feelings to each other!

All in all, "Under Gemini" is a book that I know I'll be coming back to, as I really liked the story and the characters. It's a book that for me goes under the category "escape books", because I was completely lost to reality while reading it, instead I was somewhere in the Highlands, having dinner with the Armstrongs.