A review by tresdem
The White Raven by Diana L. Paxson, Thomas Canty


This was a very 80's book and there was a lot of melodrama involved. It doesn't make it necessarily bad and the characters behaved more or less realistically. I do like the integration of the magic because it felt wild and dangerous but absolutely part of the story and time period.
The only one that was annoying was the love potion because plot device! I just didn't like it or what they did with it

For me it's a well made story and an interesting story and great if you like torrid romances and oh we can't be together sort of thing. It wasn't exactly my thing. But there are some more triggering aspects to this book that are approached in a very 80s way.

cw for rape, but man I am tired of seeing rape being part of a woman's narrative. There was no reason for Branwen to go through that unless there was some 'erotic quota' to be met and it's never really addressed. Do I expect it to be addressed in a novel written in the 80s? No. That doesn't mean it's good or necessary. And the fact that she uses it at the end to be like Oh look I learned things. How ironic. Isn't exactly as uplifting as the author seems to think it might be

Will I read this again? Eh, maybe. And then again...maybe not.