A review by zealous_bibliophile
Born of Embers by Quinn Arthurs, Harper Wylde



Nix's connection to the guys is a little forced and relies too heavily on the supernatural aspect to compensate for not taking the time to develop the relationships. Wylde creates this intricate character in Nix, and then repeatedly just abandons those things that make Nix Nix in order to jump the story to the next pont. Its disappointing. It doesn't make the story unreadable, but it does severely distract from the enjoyment. Additionally, the ending is intended to be a cliffhanger but instead come across as though Wylde just stopped mid chapter, like oh hit my word count for book 1, let's call it a day and start book 2. I loath cliffhangers, but if you are going to do one, do it properly and do it well.