A review by rui_leite
Dream London by Tony Ballantyne


"I'd had enough. I made to slap her face with the back of my hand - that's the sort of thing Captain James Wedderburn usually does to keep his women in order..."

Having on account that Captain James Wedderburn IS the f-ing narrator and protagonist of this f-ing story, talking about himslef in the third person yet again, in yet another deeply irritating moment (and "irritating" is an euphemism, it's more like, "I don't condone burning books, but I'd turn my face if someone got Dream London soaked in alcohol and approached a match to it" moment) this is where I get off...

Good job on totally ruining a great idea, Tony, just because you were pissed at your girlfriend or something of the sort and don't know the difference between an "anti-hero" and a right down worthless bastard...

May Captain James Wedderburn die in hell and someone rip off your original concept for a setting, because... heck... it totally deserved to be written in a readable book...
