A review by shaysshelf
The Irish Goodbye: A Novel by Amy Ewing


Niall and Cordelia

I adored The Irish Goodbye! I found it to be very reminiscent of The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn which is my favourite MQ book! 

This is a hate to lovers romance, and the way Cordelia and Niall hate one another in the beginning is so good! When Cordelia comes across the opportunity to escape her life and hopefully her grief on a small island in Ireland, she is hoping to find her love for photography again. 

Niall has returned home to his small town and is dealing with the shame of his dream falling through thanks to his business partner and girlfriend ruining his opportunities. 

I appreciated that we got to dive into the family dynamics of both Cordelia and Niall's families. They each have uniquely strained relationships with their parents and I love that we had the opportunity to learn more about how these relationships affected and moulded the characters.

The side characters in this charming small town truly brought the setting to life. They were so fun to read about. 

I loved that while navigating her grief, Cordelia found her love for photography and telling stories through her photos with all the wonderful people in the adorable small town. 

Keval Shah and June DeBorahae both delivered on their performances. They breathed life into the characters and I loved listening to their accents!

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC.