A review by kaitortot
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide by Stephenie Meyer


I like this cover of this one. It goes well with the rest of the series and I enjoy how the puzzle pieces are representative of filling in all of the questions (aka putting the puzzle together). The book is also really well made. The pages are very thick. It’s super substantial.

My favorite part of the book was actually the interview/chat in the beginning, conducted with Shannon Hale. It was inspirational and gave a bit of insight into the writing of the series. At 60 or so pages, it is quite the interview. I never got sick of reading it, though. It seemed as if they just transcribed their entire conversation instead of having it be a formal interview, which I appreciated.

I really enjoyed all of the pictures throughout the book. They were all so beautiful! Also, the section where they show the covers (and title translations) from other countries was really fun. Plus, there is a “Fan Art” section. There are some really talented people out there. How awesome would it be to have your art featured in the book?

There were certain things that weren’t mentioned that I would have liked to know more about. I’m not even sure if the movies were mentioned at all? I also would have liked to hear a bit more about Midnight Sun (which I am really hoping gets finished someday). I haven’t read the “leaked copy,” but I did read the excerpt she posted on her site ages ago (I think it was just Chapter 1?) and I remember enjoying it. I thought that her writing had really improved and would have liked to see a finished copy of that.

All in all, I do wish it would have included some more/different things, but I did enjoy it. I think any fan (or previous fan) of the series will appreciate it. This book kind of brings you back into the world of Twilight and reminds you of why you enjoyed it in the first place.