A review by jooshanoosh
Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends by Tim Sanders


I'm trying to make my way (slowly) through a stack of business books I have on my shelf at work and this was the first one I tackled. I am also trying to be more realistic with my star-rating system. I had become a bit of a 4-star/ 5-star whore. Basically everything was getting 4 or 5, so I am going to stick to the guides better and this is the first one. 3 stars - I liked it.

I think if you are new to business books, this is a good place to start. It gives a lot of basic advice on how to learn about business, build a network, etc. And I truly believe the central tenant of this book: that you build a network by truly and genuinely caring about people and being invested in their success.

The book is a little cheesy (people who use love in their business life are called Lovecats) and some of the references are a bit dated, but I think the ideas and messages are solid.