A review by jamsu
Beauty Dates the Beast by Jessica Sims


Rating 3.5 stars

I planned to read this book last year for my bingo challenge but never got around it. I finally ordered it and Demi @ DemiReads suggested that we should buddy read it and here we go. 

"My sister, my responsibility. Not yours."

Bathsheba is the office manager and I love how over protective she's about her sister but it also annoyed the hell out of me like Bath gave up everything in her life, like college and her love life but Sara can't even answer calls which is part of her job and Sara never seemed to thank her sister for everything she's done for her. Sara's safety always came before her heart or safety. Bath never even got gifts. Everything always went to her sister. It's amazing how Bath never got angry or bitter.

"You are mine. I'e already decided it. And if I have to mark you all over that delicious body of yours to prove it, I will."

Beau was my favorite thing about this book even if I didn't like how he acted when he had his heat. He's a werecougar and soon became one of my favorite shapeshifters. Beau isn't bad boy like most of the male characters I end up loving but he's smart, funny, gorgeous and he actually acts like a gentleman. 

The world is pretty interesting but I'm not liking the Alliance that much. What's up with all the different visas? It's kinda sad how Beau agreed with them about humans being weak since he's interested in Bath but I have to agree that human are much more weak than all the supernatural beings in this work like shapeshifters, vampires and even sirens. 

After finishing first six chapters I expected to love this book, maybe even rating it higher than four stars but sadly I was mistaken. There were few things I had a problem with, mostly about hero and heroine's certain actions and how there was a mystery that wasn't resolved. I'm not usually big fan of shapeshifters but this book made me want to make other ones a chance.