A review by atrailofpages
NIGHTWING by Renee Dugan


Well, this was a much darker book than the others. A lot happens which each member of the cabal. We get more POVs in this book.

Ashe is one of my favorites and I loved seeing her learn from her mistakes and become this amazing fierce person who wants to do what’s right in heart and not listen to those who tell her otherwise. She has a lot of back and forth, but in the end the good always wins. Then we get to see from Tati’s POV and I am all about that! Her and Quill, such a great team and seeing them grow as a team and as friends was emotional but so good. And then Cistine who is still learning about herself and what she can do, and now having to go through some quite traumatic experiences, and having to learn to be an even stronger person. I love how they all come together to help each other no matter where they are, or who they’re with, they’re always there for each other, just like a family should be.

This poor cabal goes through so much in this book, and after that ending, can’t imagine what more is in store for them. Quill is my favorite and he needs to be okay, forever. And I’m super excited to read about Ashe and Maleck in the next book, FINALLY.