A review by rellimreads
Love Him Free by E.M. Lindsey


Love Him Free is the first book in E.M. Lindsey’s On The Market series. This is my first experience with their writing and I loved it. I couldn’t help but fall in love with these characters, their lives, and their blossoming relationship. But grab yourself a box of tissues because this is an emotional ride.

Rocco and Simon are both dealing with quite a bit in their personal lives – Rocco’s personal life is imploding publicly and Simon continues to turn in on himself in an effort to avoid the pain that has been constant since moving to the U.S. While things heat up quickly between Rocco & Simon, their histories and healing unfold slowly. There are a lot of painful revelations and self-discovery.

I liked the way Linsey approached Rocco’s deafness and Simon’s anxiety. It felt authentic without fetishizing. Lindsey does add a bit of humor, especially with the pets. “Pocket James” is just adorable. Ultimately, this is a really emotional yet sweet story and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

Note: While this does stand on its own, Simon’s brother Levi & his partner James are from Kate Hawthorne’s book, Heartless. I haven’t read it (though I plan to now!) and don’t feel not having that backstory impacted my enjoyment of the story.

Nick Hudson! Oh my goodness. This narration is perfection. Hudson gives everyone in this book (and there are a lot of accents, inflections, voices) a unique sound. Additionally, he uses a slightly different voice on the chapters that are from Rocco’s POV in contrast to the ones from Simon’s POV. Not only does this give an added depth to the performance, it’s especially helpful when the writing is in 3rd person.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from Gay Romance Reviews and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.