A review by whatkatiereadnext
Secret Histories: The Romans by Isabel Greenberg, Imogen Greenberg


I picked up this beautiful book whilst visiting the Colosseum and couldn't put it down, so I bought it!

Despite being written for children, I thoroughly enjoyed Isabel and Imogen Greenberg's fantastic and beautifully illustrated book about the Ancient Rome and the Roman Empire.

I'm huge history lover but I have an embarrassingly limited knowledge of ancient history, ancient Rome in particular. Imogen Greenberg's writing is fabulous, she brings a lightness and fun to the facts and allows to reader to easily understand and comprehend all of the information given. This isn't an in-depth book, but it gives a wonderful insight and background into the Ancient Romans and Roman Empire, including important dates, people, etc.

Isabel Greenberg is one of my favourite illustrators, I adored her two graphic novels, The Encyclopaedia of Early Earth and The Hundred Nights of Hero. Honestly, her artwork was the main reason why I picked this book up! Greenberg's illustrations are gorgeous as always and work perfectly with her sister's text.

I would definitely recommend this book to children and adults alike! I truly hope the Greenberg sisters continue to work together in this way and create more fantastic non-fiction books together.