A review by hakimbriki
Excession by Iain M. Banks


If Use of Weapons is the most emotional Culture book, Excession is the most entertaining and, by a country mile, the funniest.

What stands out the most in this book, for me at least, is Banks' seamless ability to shift tones effortlessly.. He goes from talking minds to sadistic aliens to characters living in a simulation to and a bunch of other fun subplots, and I for one never felt like the story lost any coherence. The... let's call it "object" at the center of this story imbues it with a touch of cosmic horror ambiance, even.

Every aspect of this novel is spot on: the pace is exhilirating, the structure is flawless, the plot grips you to the edge of your seat, and the humor, oh my goodness, the humor is delightful. The ship names are hysterical (two favorite ship names are "I Blame My Mother" and "I Blame Your Mother"), and so is some of the dialogue. The minds shine in Excession - it is their book. I adore how the author portrays them, and I'm certain it will foster a greater sense of compassion for them as continue to revisit the series.

I know... a lot of people were disappointed with the ending, but I didn't mind it. To me, the heart of it was in the adventure, not the destination (pun intended).