A review by sade
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness


"A faded Aubusson rug stretched across the floors anchored with a collection of original William Morris funiture. Somehow the fifteenth century architecture, the eighteenth century rug and the nineteenth century rough hewn oak looked splendid together and gave the rooms the atmosphere of a select Edwardian gentlemen's club"

[b:A Discovery of Witches|8667848|A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy, #1)|Deborah Harkness|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1525097370l/8667848._SY75_.jpg|13190160] is many things. An ode to old architecture, Oxford, Oxford University, the Ashmolean Musem, yoga, spelling out the exact clothes characters wear, Darwin, tea drinking, Wine drinking, even more wine drinking (seriously drinking wine was crazy in this book, i'm still unsure how no-one ever got drunk with the amount of wine consumed), horseback riding, misogyny cavemen tendencies, what it isn't, is a good book.

At over 500 pages, i'm tempted to believe that Deborah Harkness in her spare time, dabbles in finding inventive ways to torture people.


Dear Diary,
Today i used my call slip to request books. Turns out one of the books in the pile was enscrolled. The Ashmole 782. Fancy that!!! Really didn't want to get into the whole witchy thing because as you know witchcraft isn't my thing. Returned book back to Sean.
Ever loving not witch, Diana.