A review by leahluvsbookz
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake


3.5 but rounding up!

very sweet and fun- don’t know if i would call it a comedy, but the characters are all so charming and i really loved their growth throughout

also love that this is a series- seeing the stories be woven together and getting to see characters from previous books continue to develop is so rewarding, plus the friendship between all of these women is so sweet

i love the way ashley herring blake writes w/ inclusivity so naturally woven in. i feel like you can tell that she made the kind of books she felt were missing and that will be a safe space for a lot of queer people, which is worth supporting.

her prose is just not my favorite style- i prefer more humor and i feel like the flowery stuff doesn’t hit as hard as some other romance i’ve read, but i liked them and will for sure read more stuff from her in the future!