A review by kristid
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood


Poor Cate. This girl has far too much responsibility. She takes care of the household as well as her two younger sisters. On top of that she has to keep hidden the fact that all three girls are witches, less they be persecuted. Cate seems to be lost after the death of her mother and her father isn’t much help since he is often absent from the girls lives. I just wanted to bundle this girl up in a hug and tell her everything was going to be okay. Though I’m not sure that would have been the truth.

In addition to hiding her secret from the world, it seems as though her mother was keeping secrets from Cate as well. Ones that she doesn’t discover until after her mother’s death and upon the arrival of a mysterious letter. Cate works to discover her mother’s secrets and finds love in the process. But don’t expect a happily every after. This one exits with one of “those” endings! I am DYING for book two.

It took me a while to read this book. Not because I didn’t like the book, because I adored this book. Jessica Spotswood is a wonderful writing. It was a beautifully written story! So enchanting. I had a hard time reading this book because I was going through a very stressful situation with my life at the time and I had a hard time concentrating on this novel. There is so much that happens in this story, so many obstacles and all I wanted was a happy ending! So, I took a break and waited until I could give this book the attention it deserved and then I didn’t look back!

There were a lot of obstacles in this story, and I wish I could have helped Cate overcome them. I grew to admire her tenacity and her protection of her younger sisters. She is so selfless at times, I just wanted her to do something for herself, just once! This book is the definition of emotional roller-coaster!

I so enjoyed the love story. I’m always a sucker for a story with a love element. What can I say? I love that feeling of falling in love! And Born Wicked has a somewhat complicated love story. Does Cate belong with the childhood friend that’s always been there for her, or the boy that seems to have insight into her very soul. I know who I am rooting for. I can’t fail to mention that closet scene…. whew! I just wanted to stand up and cheer!

I can’t wait to see where this story goes and how the prophecy unfolds! Loved the world, loved the characters, loved the writing! And that cover is gorgeous too, isn’t it!?!?