A review by kimu23
Remember Me by Mary Balogh

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
Another day, another weak willed heroine forgiving an undeserving hero in romance.

This actually annoyed me so fucking much. Is it so hard to make your female lead NOT thinking of how handsome and sexy the male lead when she currently hates him??? Is it just me who lost all attraction to people the moment I hate them??? Surely it's not that hard to write a woman boiling in anger for years. Surely it's not hard to write a proper development of their feelings to each other without forcing some stupid 'physical attraction'. Why is it that EVERY romance I read have been such a miss in this aspect???

The male lead lost me the moment he called the female lead 'a soiled goods'. It doesn't matter what the reason is (mind you, his reason is shitty. He literally only called her that as a joke and only regret that she overhears it) or if it happened in the distant past (it was only 4 years ago), a male lead comparing the female lead to a fucking object is unforgivable TO ME. The groveling or the redemption needs to be top tier for me to actually like him back, unfortunately this happened very rarely.

In terms of writing, I don't think I'm suited for Mary Balogh's writing style. She always mentions and explains too much about the family members or other side characters. I'm not kidding when I said that the side characters take up half of her stories, in this one and the previous one I read. They are all very obviously either the previous MCs or her next MCs. Thanks to this, her current MCs feel like a side character to their own story or just one of the main characters when they should be THE main character.

I also dislike of how the family members here just... manipulated the situations and trying to play matchmaker with the leads. I'm usually okay with this trope but in here, it just made the romance unnatural in their progression.

For now, this is all I can think of. I wasn't really expecting much tbh so this just fell within my expectations.