A review by crookedtreehouse
Ultimate Fantastic Four, Volume 4: Inhuman by Mark Millar


Mark Millar, Brian Michael Bendis, Warren Ellis, and Mike Carey are some of the top writers in Marvel's 21st century pantheon. Between them, they've made Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, and The Ultimates really interesting modern takes on the classic Marvel stories, condensing their history, while still expanding character mythos and tweaking important Marvel historical moments. More recently, [a:Ed Piskor|468319|Ed Piskor|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1412564323p2/468319.jpg] has started The Grand Design series, where he condenses a decade worth of story into one collection by giving you only the very essential bits of story and character development, drawn in a very retro style.

Ultimate Fantastic Four seems to ask the question: what if you took The Most Important Moments in Fantastic Four's mythos, drained all of the interesting parts out of them, and gave them to entirely the wrong artists.

While Kubert's art saved the otherwise dreadful Volume 3, [a:Jae Lee|12738|Jae Lee|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1383510120p2/12738.jpg]'s art, here, doesn't make any sense. He's a very atmospheric artist who doesn't do backgrounds well, and therefore, often doesn't do backgrounds at all. Putting him on this book is a disservice to both the title, and his art.

I don't recommend this book, except as a cautionary tale.