A review by allmadhere106
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1 by Stan Lee


This is a great collection of the original Spider-Man comics. It gives the story from the beginning, and while my collector's heart loves that, I also found it a little boring. I don't know if it's because I've heard these stories so many times before through interviews or whatnot, or if it's because I read the comics from the reboot first and I found them more action-packed. Either way, I'm glad that this exists from a historical standpoint, but I didn't really enjoy it in terms of reading for fun. I can see how it would have been ground-breaking at the time it was created, but I think for myself that the newer editions are favored, no matter how much that hurts me to say. I would recommend this if you want some historical background into your Spidey, but I would also recommend taking it a little slowly and not trying to force your way through it like I ended up doing. That would probably have made all the difference. I'll try reading it again for sure, but it didn't really wow me.