A review by melaniesreads
Dark Waters by G.R. Halliday


With an adrenaline pumping opening chapter this then turns very dark. After the last case nearly ended in tragedy Monica has been taking a break from MIT to spend time with her daughter Lucy and working in the traffic department. During a cinema and burger trip with Lucy she gets a call from her boss and she is back to MIT and working again with Crawford and Fisher.

Yet again the author has used the setting to full effect bringing a real claustrophobic atmosphere. This book certainly isn’t for those with a weak stomach but for my dark hearted constitution I revelled in glee at the dismembered bodies and almost horror qualities within this crime novel.

The characters have become more developed and are now starting to feel like friends and I really liked the introduction of Detective Khan to the team. However this can be read as a stand alone so don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book.

The writing has really developed and I’m happy that there weren’t quite so many mentions of Monica’s height this time. Looking forward to Book three.