A review by astheplotthickens24
Geekerella by Ashley Poston



It's relatable, geeky and chic
"This moment has become a train wreck I can’t look away from. It’s my entire fandom crashing into a burning, bubbling pit of despair."

LOL, we've all been there.
This book touched my heart in so many places I can't even imagine. It was like reading myself in a book [I've said that a thousand times already] and all the fandom dilemmas are here!

Reasons To Read This Book
• It is a modern Cinderella retelling.
•it contains all the problems of a fangirl.
•It perfectly captured the Book Convention Feels
•There's a hot male superstar lead
•There's also a cute fangirl who is lucky enough to be Geekerella.
•In short, all fangirl fantasies come true!

I'm not really a huge fan of contemporary romances but holy crap! This book is perfection! This is lit! I love it and I'm so happy I read it.
Darien and Elle are so cute, the author managed the romance without really being that cheesy. There were some cringe worthy text messages but I'm willing to overlook those moments just because I love this book and I live for it!
