A review by mamas_gotta_read
The Work Wife by Alison B. Hart


I’m trying to reflect on this book and I’m honestly not even sure how I feel.

This is a multi POV story that highlights the how difficult it is to be a woman working in Hollywood and the film industry and especially in the wake of the #metoo movement.

I desperately wanted to like this because I feel that the message is important and I appreciated it asking hard questions and showcasing the less than pretty, but the story honestly felt like it ended without any sort of a resolution. The book was a bit of a whirlwind with so much happening but nothing really happening at the same time.

The characters were interesting, but I didn’t find myself particularly attaching to any of them. I really feel like the story would’ve benefited from some sort of resolution instead of leaving us readers in the dark and scratching our heads as to WHAT exactly happened.

I was given an ARC by NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing. All opinions are my own.