A review by a_b_lee33
Body Broker by Daniel M. Ford


In a genre filled with trigger-happy private eyes, Jack’s talk first, throw some punches, and shoot never mentality is refreshing. He lives for the puzzles rather than the chase. He’s described as a college dropout, ex-cop, and ex-chef. But Jack is completely fine with being a bit of a loner. He takes solace in his daily routine of waking up, eating a scoop—or two—of almond butter, going to the gym, listening to Orioles games, going to bed, and repeating. And then when he runs out of money he picks up an investigation or some other side hustle. Giving Jack an off-beat personality is a great move on Ford’s part because it allows him to strike a nice balance between character and plot throughout the novel. So although Jack’s character doesn’t significantly develop in this installment, his personality and the relationships he shares with the other characters are well-defined and complex enough to keep readers invested and itching to know where the series will go next.