A review by trs24
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 1-13 with Bonus Material by Lemony Snicket


4.5 Golden Stars

I read this at the same time with Deltora (I can't remember which one I start first) so my 2nd or 3rd series chronologically.
it seems like it is happening in real world, Sometimes I just felt it was a biography of the Baudelaires. maybe does not even have a tiny fantasy element, but it feels so awesome.

Dear Readers
despite of the author's constant trying to convince you not to read his books, because they are full of "Unfortunate Events" I'm totally trying to convince you otherwise.
if you want a good laugh (writing style is so much fun!)
& like to see some talented decisive strong protagonists who can conquer their problems every time.
yes it has unfortunate events, but if it did not have it, I'm asking you, would any of us wanted to read it? I wouldn't for sure.

it's about three lovely children who lost their parents in a fire, every one of them had a special characteristic.
Violet is a genius mechanic.
Klaus is a nerd who read many books in many genres. he's a walking sweetheart.. oops sorry! I mean a walking Encyclopedia! (he is my favourite character)
& cute little Sunny! she know how to Bite. yes. Bite! her teeth saved them many times!

& how Lemony told their story, wow. it's fantastic & unique, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking. sometimes it felt he's talking to you.
the words he used, the way he explained us, the metaphors or examples he put in there & the way he relate them to our lives as a 'life lesson' are funny! (& they make sense, even though they are mostly strange or weird! but if you think about it, you might agree)

“It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting.”

I'm asking you, Readers, isn't this true???

also the titles choices are just ingenious! just take a look at all of them: the Bad Beginning, the Reptile Room... the Hostile Hospital... the Grim Grotto, the Penultimate Peril....
same initials! ooooohhhhhhh!
I love them!

full of Dumb characters (I would punch them in the face, if I ever saw them!) who are just 'Dumb' or 'Wimpy'! (that actually made the protagonists keep going & be independent)
or 'Dumb And Wimpy'!
'too Dumb'!
some 'Nice & Dumb' fellows
or 'Nice & Wimpy'!
some 'Dumb evil',
or 'Intelligent evil'.
& that makes the story fun. though I wanted to pull my hair out sometimes!
we met a few normal clever nice people too, if you're wondering. but mostly they are dumb.
I hate the villain in this series (but I love him in the Netflix adaptation! they are the same, act the same, say the same things! but in book he's just vicious (except a few times) but we can see more fun & dumb side of him in the show)

many Unfortunate Events & many exciting events,
many exasperating events & some funny events.

I think when the story reveals how fantastic it is, is 5. 1 was okay. 2 was fine, I liked it. 3 & 4 were weak. I loved 5 & 6. 7 was okay (but also the climax of the story or the huge turning point). I loved 8 & 9 & 10. 11 was pretty good. 12 was fabulous!
& I didn't really like the ending. I prefer it somehow ended at the end of the 12th book, instead of making everything worse & we should have that 13th book... 13 was a disappointment for me. (tho I saw people who likes it.)
World building: ★★★★/5
Characters: ★★★★(★)/5
Writing Style: ★★★★★/5
plot: ★★★★(★)/5
General idea: ★★★★★/5