A review by lizkatiereads
With Reservations by Mimi Flood


With Reservations is the first book of the With or Without You duet. The book focuses on Dominique, often referred to as Dom who works in construction, and Jesse, who works for a pharmaceutical company. Now enter Sebastian and his fiancée, Tyler who are traveling to Belize and each bringing their best friend along, Jesse and Dom. They start off on the wrong foot...a chance meeting in the airport convenience store, before realizing they will be traveling companions to their engaged friends. There is a significant amount of flirtatious, sarcastic banter between them that is fun, and it is obvious there is some sexual tension between them building throughout the book, until it is eventually released. There are cute little romantic moments mixed in with the steamy scenes. I especially liked the little “scuffle” with flirting after the surfing moment, and I very much enjoyed the nod to Forrest Gump, with a specific line towards the ending of the book.

This is a good enemies to lovers indie romance that is also a very slow burn. The book does jump back and forth from either Jesse or Dom’s point of view. I have read many books written this way, and quite enjoy that style. However, I lost interest in following some chapters when the exact same scene is written back to back just switching point of views, and this happens pretty often. That is purely my personal preference, and for other readers, they might enjoy that aspect. Now with all of that being said, this is something that I pushed through because all of the other chapters that flowed differently were quite enjoyable and I didn’t feel lost in following through. All in all, I did enjoy the book, and I am eager to read the next book to follow.

Thank you so much to Mimi Flood and StoryOrigin for the eARC of With Reservations in exchange for an honest review!