A review by liberrydude
Three Stations by Martin Cruz Smith


This didn't have all the suspense of Gorky Park but it was a quick and interesting read. The despair, paranoia, and indifference of day to day life in Russia shout from the pages. Arkady is in hot water again with his venal boss, Zurin. The professional critics who were disappointed in this book are not to be believed. This is still a good book. The critics didn't like the plot line about the missing baby and considered it a distraction from the main plot of a serial killer. Not true in my book. Found the street urchins and missing baby quite interesting. Would love to see a movie with a Hummer and Lada duking it out on the Moscow roads-didn't know whether to laugh or be excited reading some of the action chases. They ought to make a series out of this like they did for Wallander.