A review by sidharthvardhan
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran


"It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands.
Not is it a thought I leave behind me, but a heart made sweet with hunger and wuth thirst."

Kahlil Gibran is world’ third best-selling poets of all time behind Shakespeare and Laozi. ‘The Prophet’ is often considered his best work. The Prophet Almustafa (the chosen and beloved is about to aboard a ship before he is stopped by people who ask him to give his views on different subjects - his discourse forms most of the work. To be honest, I found him sometimes charming, sometimes confusing and sometimes common place.

on love

"But if in fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, then it is better that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall lough, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but all of your tears."

On Marriage

"Love one another but make not a bond of love."

"Sing and dance to gather and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone
Even as the string of the lute are alone though they quiver with same music."

Of good and evil

"For what is evil but good tortured by its own thirst and hunger."

Of crime and Punishments

"And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of whole tree,
so the wrong doer can not do wrong without hidden will of you all.
Like a possession you walk togather towards your god-self
You are the way and the wayfarers.
And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone."

Of Clothes

"Forget not that modesty is for a shield against the eye of the unclean.
And when the unclean shall be no more, what were modesty but a fetter and a fouling of the mind?
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."

Of Houses

"You shall not dwell in the tombs made by the dead for the living."

Of Pain

"Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced."

Of Religion

“And if you shall know God, be not therefore a solver of riddles.
Rather look about you and you shall see him playing with children.”


”Only another breadth will I breathe in this air,
only another loving look cast backward.”

“A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind,
And another woman shall bear me.”