A review by lost_windsock
A Mountain Man Walks into a Library: Small-Town M/M Romance Novella by Mal Trevino


This book was so super sweet. Sam is one of the cutest characters; wooing Remy slowly with poetry and baked goods was one of the sweetest things ever. Even though it took Remy way too long to realize Sam was trying to flirt with him, being shoved into an accidental fake dating mission to save face in front of Remy's parents was the best thing that could have happened for them. It made both of them face their feelings and gave them the courage to act on them. Remy's hang-ups about his medical condition and not feeling worthy of someone as good as Sam got in the way a little at the end, but it wasn't super dragged out, which I appreciated. Remy and Sam had really great chemistry together, and this book was a really fun, short read.